This 55 year old patient is, since five years ago, being followed in the
neurosurgery department of the University Hosital Centre in Rouen for a non-evolutionary
low-grade oligodendroglioma of the left temporal region, discovered during
headaches and which had nothing to do with the lesion (see Image 1). Following a
routine MRI control, she felt a particular kind of heat in the throat. This was
immediately followed by major language and writing problems.
Image 1
Clinical Description
The symptoms began fifteen days before this consultation. She therefore has
great difficulty finding her words (see video 1) and her writing is very awkward
and irregular (see video 2). The hypothesis of functional neurological disorders
is evoked by the brutality of the onset of symptoms, while the tumor is
manifestly non-evolutionary and a new MRI control is again normal.
Video 1
Video 2
Magnetic Stimulation and Evolution
Magnetic stimulation will consist of a single series of 60 shocks on the vertex
at 1 Hz. All symptoms will immediately disappear. She will once again be able to
speak normally (see video 3) and her writing will be completely normalised
(image 2). There will be no relapse.
Vidéo 3
Image 2
Around a tumoural lesion, there can be a fragility of connectivity that might
have decompensated on the occasion of stress related to the passing of the MRI
and maybe of the peculiar sensation in the throat. With this patient, immediate
improvement after fifteen days of evolution and after a single session of large
field transcranial magnetic stimulation is a very strong argument to confirm the
functional origin of the symptoms. There is a correlation between the symptoms
types and the topography of the lesion (left temporal in a right handed person).
The brutal onset of disorders on a pathology, in priority non-evolutionary, is
another argument in favour of a functional pathology.